Tuesday 13 November 2012

First draft of my 10 minute scrip

Chloe is sat on the sofa in the games room on her mobile, when Ben walks in. They have just had a heated argument in the dining room over Ben getting a letter from his mum. Ben had thrown the letter away without reading it and Chloe didn’t agree. Chloe’s eyes are all red from where she has been crying.
Chloe: Hey Ben, over here. 
She wipes away her tears
Ben: Oh Chloe hey…
Ben walks over to the sofa were Chloe is sitting and sits next to her. There is still tension between them and there is an awkward silence. 
Ben: I’m sorry for upsetting you before.
Chloe: I’m sorry for making such a fuss over a silly letter, it was your letter and I should have never said anything.
Ben: I know you’re only trying to look out for me but you have to understand you don’t know my mum and what she is like.
Chloe:  I know it’s just your lucky enough to know your mum and I don’t want to throw it all away just because of what happened in the past.
Chloe: Friends??
Ben:  Friends
There both look up and smile at each other, Ben sees that Chloe has been crying so he decides to offer her a game of pool, to take her mind of things.
Ben: Do you want a game of pool so I can beat you again?
Chloe: I let you win 
Ben: You’re only saying that because you’ll a bad loser.
They both laugh, Ben stands up and picks up both cues and hands one to Chloe. Chloe takes the cue and also stands up leaving her mobile on the sofa.
Chloe: I’ll set the game up if I can break?
Ben: Fine, I’ll win away
Chloe’s reaches the triangle and all the red and yellow balls from under the table. She then places them neatly on the table on lines the Black ball up. Ben laughs because she is taking too long.
Ben: It doesn’t have to be perfect you know?
Chloe: I know but I don’t want any excuses when I beat you.
Chloe: Do you have the chalk?
Ben: Yeah 
He hands the chalk over and checks his phone.
Chloe: You ready?
Ben: I’ve been ready for ages 
Chloe breaks but she doesn’t get any balls in so she rolls her eyes at Ben. Ben smiles and takes his go; he easily gets a yellow ball into the top right pocket, he takes his go again and gets another one in the same pocket.
Ben: Looks like your red then and are you sure not going to lose?
Chloe: I wanted to be red anyway.
Chloe takes her go and also gets a red in this time in the bottom right pocket. She smiles sarcastically at Ben and takes her go again this time she misses.
Chloe: YES!
 Ben’s phones beeps, he looks at it but chooses to ignore it. He takes his go, this time quickly and he uses too much force so he misses.
Chloe: Who was it?
Ben: what do you mean?
Ben pretends not to understand because he doesn’t want to tell Chloe the truth. Ben is not in the mood and he tries not to answer.
Chloe: You know what I mean, who rang you? 
Chloe realises he isn’t going to answer so she leans over the table and lines her next shot up, Ben throws his cue onto the table and wrecks the game. Chloe then stands up and looks at Ben, hand on her hip
Chloe: Ben just because I was going to win and you still haven’t answered my question.
Ben: Actually you lined that shot up totally wrong and I couldn’t be bothered playing anymore. It’s none of your business who rings me and whether I answer or not.
Ben goes to walk out of the room when Chloe interrupts his movement.
Chloe: So you’ll just going to walk away as normal, I’m meant to be your best friend and best friends don’t keep secrets.
Ben turns around and looks at Chloe
Ben: Fine, it was my mum ringing but I didn’t want you to get upset again.
Chloe: I wasn’t upset!
Ben: Chloe I’m not stupid and why are we arguing about this again?
Chloe: You started all this, and why don’t you just listen to your mum for a change. She might actually have something important to say and then you would have wished you had listened.
Ben interrupts her
Ben: My mum has never said anything worth hearing and if you’re so bothered why don’t you talk to her.
Ben offers his phone to Chloe but doesn’t take it.
Chloe: Why would I want to talk to your mum? 
 Ben: I dunno but you seem to know everything, so I just through you would know what to say
Chloe: That’s not fair I’m only trying to stop you making the biggest mistake of your life.
Lisa the care worker walks in from the kitchen.  
Lisa: Not this again! I through you two had made friends?
Ben: It’s Chloe’s fault, thinking she knows everything
Lisa: I don’t care whose fault it is, I have worked hard all day cleaning up and making lunch, I haven’t got time for this. Both of you go to your rooms and I don’t want you to hear another word from either of you.
Chloe: But.
Lisa: NO buts!
Ben and Chloe both walk out of the games room in a mood without talking and Lisa follows behind.

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