Wednesday 12 December 2012

Focus group findings

Does Chloe’s character come across as being someone with a lot of hidden problems and how?
  Are you interested to find out about Laura’s past and what do you think is going to happen?
  Does Lisa seem like a normal care worker or do you think her character needs to change? If so how would you expect her to behave?
  Can you imagine the locations in the script and can you describe the location of Ben and Chloe?
Do you feel like you can relate to the characters? If so which one and why?
From question one i found out that people knew that Chloe has issues about her past but i need to develop on that to make it more realistic. I need to make Chloe's character more fraglie and there need to more gestures in my scrip to show this.
I have realsied that i need to add a flash back into my scrip to help my audience understand more about her past. Everyone I asked was interested in Laura's past but no one could tell me what had happened, this makes my think i need to include more hints about her past.
From my focus group answers i found out that Lisa's character isn't very realistic because she acts more like a  mother character rather than a care worker. To improve this i need to make her more strict instead of friendly.
Everyone i asked could describe the locations of the characters which makes my think i don't need to improve this because they are in enought detail already.
I have found out that some people have been able to relate to the characters and some haven't but this might be because of the age of my characters.  Everyone who couldn't relate to my characters said that they liked the characters and throught they suited my script.

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