Tuesday 15 January 2013

Acted out

When i got some friends to act out my script i found out that i need to include more gammer in it,  so the acters weren't out of breath. I also needed to change some of the lines to make them more realistic for example instead of "Laura make sure you do not burn the food or hurt yourself when watching the food" i put "don't burn the food or hurt yourself". This make the script more life like and easier for them to read.

I also found out that i needed to change some of the language i used because it didn't fit into the script for example  i changed "shall we have a game of pool" to "lets have a game of pool". This make the characters seem more realistic because they wouldn't use language like "shall".

I decided to make some if the sentances smaller because i felt like some of the acters where taking too long to get their point accross and the convocation was taking longer than i expected. Once i had done this the script worked better and seemed more like a real programme.

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