Monday 25 March 2013

First Evaluation draft

Evaluation – Pre Production
For my first piece of coursework I had to design a script for a new TV series which I would create.  This meant I had to write 10-15 minutes worth of the script from any of my TV series.
The first task I decided to do was to write down some initial ideas for the storyline of my TV drama and my best idea was put onto my blog. When I was thinking of my ideas, I tried to use a range of genres, characters and storylines to give me more of a choice when deciding my final one.
The next step was to make a questionnaire which would help me decide some of the important decisions for example the name of my TV drama and the type of audience I should be aiming it for. I then asked different ages and genders to fill in my questionnaire, this was so I got a range of answers. Once all my questionnaires had been filled in, I decided to produce some graphs so I could compare my answers. This helped me decide which channel my TV show will be on and what time it should be showed on to attract the widest audience possible.
My first draft of my 10 minute script was then written; this only included a basic storyline, a few characters and a simple layout because I hadn’t finished by research in which I would find out how to make my script look professional and effective. I would continue which my script as I continued with my research to make it as professional as possible.
Then I looked for some pervious TV show scripts to analyse, and I posted my findings on my blog. I analysed a total of three scripts to make the research more affective. I found that some of the main structures and the layout kept recurring so I decided to include these into my second draft of my script. To make the second draft I decided to make amendments to my first script to save time, I changed the layout and I added more storylines.
Next I decided to watch a current TV drama which would have a similar storyline to mine so I watched part of “waterloo road” this would include some of the generic connotations what mine would need to include. This was also useful because I learnt about location changes, the number of characters in each scene and different storylines; this helped me improve my script to be more professional and life like.
A focus group activity was then carried out, which meant I asked a range of people who would watch my TV drama to answer some questions relating to my script. These where open questions so I could get more of a personal response which could be helpful to me when writing my next draft of the script. From this task I found out that I needed to make my script clearer by adding more stage directions so my actors would understand the scene better.  I asked a range of people so I go better results and wrote up my results which I would use when producing my next draft of my script.
I then completed some internet research on what generic conventions my script should include, I found out about the layout, the font and font size my text should be and where my stage directions should be. From this I found out what was missing from my script, taking all this research on board I produced my third script draft which finally started to look like a professional screenplay and included most of the generic conventions which a script should include.
Next I decided to get a few friends to act my script out so I would know if any other improvements where needed to the dialog, I found out that in several places I needed to shorten down sentences to make them more lifelike for example instead of ‘I am going to’ I have changed it to ‘I’m gonna go to’. I also found out if my actors could understand the layout of my script which I decided to make a bit clearer. After I had finished my final focus group I improved my script so it became my fourth draft which was almost complete. I then asked around college to see if anyone else could find anything on my script that needed improving before I finally finished my fifth script.

Ever wondered about your past?
When making my 10 minute script I used many different research methods so I could get my script up to the highest possible standard and I used a range of sources with includes the internet, friends and family and my target audience for my TV drama.
Evaluation – production
The task we were asked to complete was to create a DVD cover and a promotional poster for a TV drama. It would be from the first series of this TV drama and the poster was meant to advertise the drama and try to attract people to watch it.
My target audience for my TV drama was young people aged between 12 and16 the reason I choose this was I wanted to do a “waterloo road” type drama but then I thought I might to something similar but for a younger audience.
The background of my DVD cover was a pastel blue; this would be appealing to both genders because it is quite a neutral colour. The blue would also appeal to a young audience because it’s quite a fun, happy colour of blue. There are also many different fonts and font colours on my DVD cover which make it seem like a happy, comedy style programme which would appeal to my target audience. This is similar to the Scrubs DVD I analysed which has a green background which shows it was a comedy programme; I think this made it more appealing to the target audience.
This is unlike the Inbetweeners DVD I analysed which had a plain white background, this didn’t really tell you much about the TV drama or what kind of genre it would be. I thought this was a bit too plain and would have been more appealing if it was brighter.
The blurb has many enigmas which create a sense of mystery which would make the audience wonder what will happen in my drama, and therefore will watch it to find out more. My main image of the main character Chloe might also create some sort of enigma because of the effects for example the jigsaw effect which makes it look like she is lost and confused.
Chloe the main protagonist might attract the male gaze to the TV drama because they are close ups of her on my DVD cover and lighting to make her look innocent, Ben the other main protagonist might attract the female gaze because of his pose in the image. This is like the Big Bang poster I analysed where Penny would attract the male gaze because of the lighting on her face which makes her look sweet.
The tag line “Ever wondered about your past?” would involve the audience because it is a direct question so they would be thinking about the answer while wondering what this has to do with the TV drama. I think the audience would be able to relate to Chloe in the image on my poster because the target audience would be at school, they would use their cultural knowledge and the generic convents for example the uniform to work out Chloe and her friends are also at school. Just like on the Inbetweeners DVD I analysed my characters are all stood close to each other which shows they have known each other for a long time and they trust each other.
From the uses and gratification theory I think the audience would use escapism when watching my TV drama, if they were having a rough time at school or at home they would be able to engage into my characters or storyline and forget about their own problems. Chloe is also a very strong, powerful character who doesn’t need or rely on anyone else which would come across in my TV drama, this would inspire other young girls to do the same or they might be able to relate to Chloe, this could also mean they could use my TV drama to further their person identity if they were having similar problems at home.
The images on the back of the DVD cover show they will some sort of comedy in my TV drama, you can tell this from the facial expressions and the gestures the characters have. For example Chloe is spitting her tongue out. It will be shown on BBC three which also shows it will appeal to a young audience and it will include some comedy elements.
At the bottom of the DVD cover there is a quote from Hello magazine which would also appeal to young people because they read Hello magazine therefore which believe the quote “must watch drama”.
Word count: 1,526

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