Wednesday 6 February 2013

Analysis of DVD cover 2 broke girls

2 Broke Girls
On the front of this DVD cover there is an image of the two main characters Max and Caroline in the diner where they work. I can tell they work in a diner because of the connotations in the images for example the uniforms, bottles of sauce and the oven. We use our cultural knowledge to understand that a café or diner would have all of those things. The lighting makes the diner look rough and like more of a masculine place rather than somewhere they would normally work which makes us feel sorry for them. It also creates the enigma why are they working there?
Caroline’s facial expression makes her look innocent and scared while Max looks in charge and like she is used to it. Max is nearer the camera because she is in charge and Caroline relies on her help. They both look like they are pushing people to buy the food because they need the money and they are both wearing the same uniform. This could be because they are both just waitresses, they don’t have an identity or a personality; they are just they to sell food. Max and Caroline are binary opposites because Max has dark hair, has the power, knows how to look after herself and Caroline has blonde hair and relies on Max to help her.
The title tells us they are 2 girls who need money because they have changed the s to a dollar sign and that is why they would be working in a diner. The lighting on their faces makes them like innocent and this makes us feel sorry for the characters. The title is wrote in black, white and pink which stands out from the rest of the DVD cover and this would usually fit into a girly programme unlike this one.
  They both look too done up to be working in a diner because they have both got their hair done and their make up on like they would be working in an office.  This would attract the male gaze to buy the DVD cover.
The image on the front of the DVD cover makes us feel sorry for Caroline and Max because they look poor and like they need help unlike the other images on the back of the DVD cover.  The image on the left is of them posing, it looks like they are in change and they have power which they didn’t have on the front image. The other images are of the girls working and doing normal girly things which makes us think about the story and if we would like the DVD.

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