Wednesday 13 February 2013

Analysis of DVD cover- Scrubs

On the front cover of Scrubs there is a group picture of the main cast, the main protagonist is in the middle and the other members have been out behind him. This is because he is in charge and the story will be based around him. He is also the first thing you see when you look at the DVD cover because of the lighting on him. The lighting makes half his face in a shadow and half not, this could be because he has too sides to his personality or because he has some sort of mystery to his character.
We can tell it is based in a hospital because the main protagonist is wearing a green doctor’s uniform and he has a name tag. The background is also green which associated which a hospital because green is a calming colour.  The front of the DVD cover is brightly coloured which would make it appealing to look at and it would stand out from other DVD’s.
Then title is in a white, curly font which makes me think this programme will be a comedy which is unusual because usually hospitals are a serious place. I can also tell it is a comedy because the main protagonist is putting his rubber gloves on and it looks like he is being really over the top with it. He also has a comical facial expression which makes me think won’t be a serious character even though he is an important doctor. This creates an enigma of will he be a good doctor or not because usually a good doctor would be serious.
Above the title there is a black banner which has yellow text in; this tells us which season it is. The yellow really stands out against the black background which makes it eye catching.
I think the target audience for this TV series would be men because most of the characters are male and there are two females who are both attractive so this will attract the male gaze. There is also lighting on both females which make them look innocent and attract to the audience.
The spine is a brighter colour of green which would stand out against other DVD covers and the title is wrote in the same front but I think it is hard read. Above the title there are 3 close ups of the main protagonists which have the hospital in the background this lets us establish the location of the series. 
On the back of the DVD cover there are no images which makes us focus on the episodes which are also in the original green colour along with the title. The episodes are all numbered which makes it easier to find the one you’re on. Nearly all the episode start with ‘my’ which tells me that it is based around the main protagonist and his view on the hospital. The background is white which is different to the rest of the DVD cover, this makes the text stand out and it still has that hospital feel because green and white are associated with hospitals.

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