Wednesday 13 February 2013

Poster Analyis- Waterloo road

From the Waterloo Road poster i think the genre is a drama because the lighting used to make the poster look busy. The location of the image on the poster is in a staff room, i can tell this because the generic conventions used for example tables, chairs, books. I think the target audince would be teenagers or young adults because it is on BBC1 and it is about life in a school therefore teenagers would be able to relate to the situations.

 The title is in a smart font like Arial which would be normally used in a school but the some of the letters have be turned and chipped which makes me think not everything would go to plan at this school.  It would of started off professional but then the students might have defaced it which makes me think the school might be having problems keeping the school in control.

I think the students would be badly behaved because the teachers all look apprehensive about the day, i can tell this by their facial expressions and the way they are posing. Some of the teachers look like typical teachers with their smart suits and others look more like models. For example the women on the left in the green dress, looks too dressed up. She would attract the male gaze to the TV show and the lighting on her face makes her look innocent.

The two characters who are stood in the middle of the staff room look like the head teachers because they are dressed professionally and they are the only ones who don't look apprehensive about the day. They are both stood back to back which makes me think they have some sort of competition between them, this could add some comedy to the show if they are both trying to outsmart each other.

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