Wednesday 27 February 2013

Poster Analyis - Lost

From the lost poster I think the genre could be Sci-Fi because it looks like they are in a forest but the reflection shows a city. I think the target audience would be both male and females aged between 15- 30 because of the time it is shown. There are many female and male characters that would attract the male and female gaze to the show.
The title lost is in white bold font which stands out from the rest of the poster, it has a stoplight shining down on it, this tells me that the group could be the “lost” and the stoplight could be something looking for them.  The title has several scratches on which could me they are trying to escape from something on the island.
At the top of the poster it says “the Wait is over” I think this could mean we have being waiting to see how they escape and what they have been hiding from and it this series I think everything will become clear. 
The colours used are all very dark and dull which tells me that the island is dangerous or that it is unknown to everyone else. The characters all seem to be wearing either black or green so they would also blend in with the island and its secret, this makes me wonder what the island is hiding and why?
Even though I can see the island and it looks just a forest the reflection on the sea shows a city, this could be because the characters are looking down into the water thinking about their past and where they used to live.
The characters seem to be posing at the edge of the island; this could be because they are ready to escape or ready to fight whatever is keeping them on the island. 
The sky looks a lot brighter than the rest of the poster which is reflecting onto the sea, so we can see the waves and the roughness of the sea which looks like there is going to be a storm. This is making me think that something big is going to happen in this series, or it could be the final series and it could be a shocking ending.
All the palm tree's seem to be blowing quite strongly so they is obviously going to be a storm, but none of the characters seem to be effect, they are only wearing vests and none of them look even moved by the wind. Normally they would be struggling to keep still and the girl’s hair would be blowing unlike this image. This could mean they are standing their ground and not letting the island affect them.

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