Wednesday 27 February 2013

Poster Analyis- Big Bang

From the Big Bang poster I think the genre is sit-com, because the characters all seem to be having a laugh apart from Sheldon on the left who is reading seriously, this could be a comedy scene.  Penny seems to be the only one normal person who isn’t a science geek so this could be funny because she wouldn’t understand half the things they talk about.
I can tell this programme is going to be based on science because of the title “The Big Bang” and in the background of the title is has an image of the universe.  This is in the centre of the poster because it is the centre of the show and the storylines. It is very brightly coloured and CGI has been used so it stands out from the rest of the poster and it draws your attention to the title before anything else.
The characters have been edited with a carton effect to make them fit in with the comedy theme, along with their facial expressions. Penny is being very over the top and Sheldon is very serious which in reality would be hard. If everyone else was being silly and messing around it would be hard to keep your face straight.
I think the target audience would be between 15-30 and mainly boys.  Penny would attract the male gaze to the show because she is wearing quite long cut top and she is blonde.  I don’t think the female gaze would be attracted to any of the male characters because they all look geeky and weird for example the way Raj is dressed.
The background it quite dull and boring because they is no colour, this makes the characters stand out because they are all wearing bright colours. They draws our attention to them not the apartment in the background. 
All the characters seem to be sat round TV but Penny is in the middle and she is has the main role on the game because she is the singer this could be because she is the main characters or she isn’t clever enough to have another role for example the drums. She is also the only female protagonist which could be why she would be in the centre and she has a lot of lighting on her face which makes her look innocent so we feel sorry for his because she is the only female is she isn’t as clever as the boys.

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